Friday 31 July 2020

Unemployed Millennial's Letters to HR: Problems Acquiring Assets

(from an Unemployed Millennial):

Dear HR,

This is a report on the recent high-value item I purchased, supposedly on impulse.

Noted that we're already facing issues with budget expenditures, despite my cuts to the overall budget for assets and other needed purchases. It has been hard to get finance to approve my purchases ... it has had to go through more stringent measures and qualifying processes. (I no longer buy even groceries without having gone through a list of what I would be using or cooking in the week.)

You know that quite a number of necessary assets were left in Malaysia, following our sudden expulsion from the country when the border was to be closed just the day after its announcement. It's been a sore point given that this was the impulse of authorities acting in the best interests of people from your viral stunt. My equipment and tech are essentially sitting around gathering dust and possibly devaluing rapidly from lack of use these 5 months now. (I only thank you for the nice neighbour who would help us upkeep the fishes in the garden pond. He's had to brave the mosquitoes breeding in it now to feed them ... the koi that is.)

Needless to say, you know my frustration and being ill at ease without the availability of tech. But window shopping has proven beneficial for people on edge. As Singapore itself too gave us the dreaded announcement for the Circuit Breaker (they kindly gave us a weekend's notice, besides closure in phases), I finally had to go hunt for the needed basic tech to keep me sane. It was the only exciting thing I could look forward to without uncertainty (as compared to the anxiety from the multiple national and global disruptions).

The only latest expensive purchase then was the laptop that can support high-graphic software. It included PC games, as an added benefit, which I hoped would come in useful too (having intentionally staved off the allure of a gaming computer for the last decade to keep expenditure low). The impulse buying I made was this only item (while others went for more toilet papers and rice and Maggie noodles). 

It might not be called impulse per se, since I was stranded offline without access to this equipment for weeks, where I mostly conducted my work. I had in mind to get one for a year already; so on the day of the CB announcement, I went on my hunt for the right laptop, only to see Apple and Dell in Orchard with no stock for anything (they hadn't had any shipment for the last few months since their products were quickly snatched up from impulse purchase since Covid emerged, and manufacturing overseas had slowed to a halt).

So in 3 hours, having searched online, called a few stores and compared some key specifications on ideal laptops, I found myself in a Challenger store looking at their last few merch left. The sale person was an avid gamer and was selling more PUBG games than the laptops. After making a new friend standing in line with me, and resolving some issue with payment limits on my card, I was on top of the world with my new buy. It was the last model in-store and others would have cost more.

To conclude, I have kept my budget low despite the impossibilities thrown my way, and on short notice. I could use some other helpful equipment, but I'll make do with my plummeting available budget.

PR & Marketing


Dear Kylie,

Thank you for being prudent with your asset management and purchases. It will do you well to continue showing restraint in expenditure and be prudent in how you allocate your budget.

As you know, asset procurement at this time will be a little trying. Not only because of our lack of budget, but also because international flights have been mostly grounded, affecting the ease of transportation for postal services and courier work. It's a radical shift from the fast-paced life that I'm trying to create. Everything has been moving at breakneck speed that it's caused many people to feel less for each other and the environment, giving little or no time to stop and smell the roses, let alone spend time with my creation.

It's not that I'm slow, or a dullard, but I would like my people to take time to nurture meaningful relationships beyond that of just their professions nor the intimate desire for money and status instead. I'm interested in their eternal investments in themselves (see 2 Peter 3:9) and their labour for my kingdom and people (see Matthew 6:33). You knew that when you were making endless tiring trips between Singapore and JB, that the commute would be long and it would be overall unhelpful in keeping your daily appointments with me.

On a personal level, as you re-plan your budget and asset needs, I have given the same wisdom to the leaders in government who have carried out well my budgeting plans to sustain the nation despite my global disaster. As in Joseph's era of Pharoahs (see Genesis 41:47-48), he ensured the survival of my people by storing up during years of good harvest and then feeding the needy when the 7-year famine hit. He prospered this way and my people were indebted to him (instead of having punished and banished him). Likewise, it is necessary to save for rainy days such as these.

Yet when it comes to faith, I urge you not to worry about that which you cannot control. Trust me instead, that I provide your daily bread (see Matthew 6:11). Your value is more than the flora and fauna, which have enough (see Matthew 6:25-29). What I have given, is it not enough for you to be content (see Philippians 4:11-13)? Whatever the circumstance, it is more needful to be grateful, especially a time like this (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18).

As for that laptop, I reserved it for you. And Tashi is a young expat who could use some godly friends too.

May you use the assets and skills and opportunities for my glory and for others more than for yourself.

My blessings,

Thursday 30 July 2020

Unemployed Millennial's Letters to HR: Not my Job Description!

(from an Unemployed Millennial):

Job Description


Dear HR,

I'm your latest hire in the online marketing and public relations department (at least I'd like to think of myself that way). 

I'd like to extend my thanks to the new opportunities presented to me since I began work early this year in your organisation. Though I understand there have been many hiccups that we've faced this new year (I changed my employment and took a leap of faith, I got sick during Lunar New Year weekend and so missed all the festivities, Trump's impeachment charges were dropped), the workplace has not been the same since.

From what we discussed, if you recall our first interview and subsequent on-boarding programme, I was given the impression that we were embarking on a new venture this year. My job scope would contain a bigger portfolio that would include a more global approach to our marketing. My concept was TECHNOLOGICALLY-INCLINED when we wanted our products to go viral. That would be the mark of a good and well-done business marketing campaign, right?

We had gone through a painstaking brainstorming process that took a few years before it finally came into fruition. We were both excited about the various product and service offerings, and even set aside some capital for the concepts to take off, for the market to mature, for the stars to align. I took a leap of faith with you because I was confident in what you could provide (I still am) and all seemed good and dandy.

You know how I was travelling back and forth between Singapore and Johor Bahru to recce and possibly set up shop there, to expand the work. It was labourious and I was at times unmotivated. But I got it underway quite well in the first 2 months ... Single-handed, I had to deal with space management and trying to keep costs low without purchasing too much equipment unnecessary to the direct ROI of this small start-up.

Let me get to the point: I am terribly upset, because without consulting or informing me in advance of other plans or ideas you had, you went ahead with your own concept of your global viral marketing! Sure, it has swept across the planet like a disease, and sure, you've achieved what you intended by putting the fear of God in everyone. However, that has left us in the lurch with all that we ever dreamed of and had been putting off the last decade (was it not you who planted those thoughts in my head and said it would be a good step of faith?).

I'm more than crest-fallen about the impact your little act has dealt on the work we set out to do. Perhaps I simply feel left out because you chose to keep very quiet about this pet project you were working on. And it wasn't just me, since many of your staff in other departments and the global branches have been caught unawares by this too. I believe this puts a dent in their major projects that they had already planned for the year, huh?

But that hasn't stopped you from carrying out what you believe to be right. It doesn't look good, nor will this go down well in history for what you will be known for doing.

My job scope now has to regress to that of crisis communication, rather than the relaxed and enjoyable  and inspiring tone and style I was hoping to brand our image around. There has been a radical shift of my work from marketing to direct sales instead, since getting the products going is the main priority. Yet even that has been struck off my work since business has been getting lousier and more hard-pressed.

Suffice to say, my role has been altered multiple times in just the first half of this year alone. This is not ideal planning for any organisation.

I'd need some updates from you as to when you intend all these changes to finally be settled.

PR & Marketing


Reply To: Kylie
Subject: Job Description


Dear Kylie,

Thanks for reaching out to me.

I understand why you may be upset with the overhaul to the nature of things and systems that have been set in place for centuries (the human race seems to have settled nicely to compromise on the welfare system I set in place 2000 years ago when that new salvation plan came into effect). That welfare policy still holds true, and will continue to be sustained till I come again to visit our business branches.

As you well know, the organisation continues to revolve around that all-encompassing salvation plan which I personally announced and executed. It's for the betterment of all our employees and we only seek to do what is best for each individual. By having you on-board now with our kingdom business, we can only expect that you hold true to our philosophy and adage and press on.

As for the change you've experienced, there is an appointed time and a season for all events and purposes (see Ecclesiastes 3:1). And I've purposed that it be now, and there can never be a better time. I change the times and seasons, depose leaders in government or establish them, and I give wisdom and knowledge to those who seek the truth, who desire to discern these times and to know my heart (see Daniel 2:21).

Even when I was conducting my field studies and surveys with the staff 2000 years back, the staff had much misconstrued ideas about what the organisation was really about. They kept hounding me to establish a new world order and become CEO of the global branch then and there. Well I did establish that new world order - the salvation plan - but they wanted to keep me there for longer than I was assigned to (as if 30 years was not enough).

It is not for the staff to know the times or dates or seasons of my work (see Acts 1:6-7) ... that is, I have all prerogative to determine when my words and work will be manifested. Furthermore, the duration of employment of my staff, whether they remain here or expired from my work, is all within my power (see Psalm 31:15). I am Alpha and firstborn over all creation and head of the organisation, so that I may present myself as deserving of supremacy (see Colossians 1:18).

You hold many roles in this work - professionally as a marketing, PR and sales person, and as daughter in your family. All are equally important roles, and you would do well to carry them out faithfully (see Exodus 20:12 and Colossians 3:23).

You have not been kept out of the loop, as you so claim. You know my kingdom business inside-out and the role you play in it. You're not a servant, doing as instructed, but you are my friend since you know the heart and motivation behind all the inner workings (see John 15:15). Only the things I choose to keep secret will remain secret, whilst what I've revealed are for you to make sense of (see Deuteronomy 29:29).

Also, you may not necessarily like how I work, but this is how I roll. Over time, I hope you come to realise that my will has always been for the benefit of mankind. My will is good, pleasing and perfect (see Romans 12:2). It does not seem that way now, but the test of impurities in one's life needs to go through a trial by fire. And the more one passes through the flames, the more one becomes pure and made perfect (see Malachi 3:3 and Zechariah 13:9).

I am refining my staff, and all go through the same difficulties. Only my people will be the ones calling on me, as you have. And whatever they bring to me - whether their concerns or feedback or confessions - I will give them wisdom and peace in return.

I hope I have sufficiently addressed your questions.

HR Staff

Monday 23 October 2017

Purpose Driven Life

A movie based on a true story was released regarding how this book, Purpose Driven Life written by Rick Warren, helped save the lives of 2 non-Christians who were headed on the road to destruction. Brian Nichols back in 2005 had committed mass murder on the same day he was on trial for rape. He randomly kidnapped Ashley Smith, recovering drug addict and single mother and holed up in her apartment for 7 hours before letting Ashley go free.

In moments of difficulty and great temptation, either human nature or the grace of God is clearly seen through the person. Both characters have had to go through much challenge and pressure but the choices they make in the end tell more about who they are and what they believe. The purpose of life is known when we go back to our Creator who created us for a purpose... the 2 of them in the end ask each other that question. Check out the trailer and news documentary clips below.

The movie "Captive" came out in 2015 starring Kate Mara and David Oyelowo.

The whole set of book and DVD resources for Purpose Driven Life can be found on this website too!
It includes a whole list of other materials on how to pray for missionaries, creating your life statement and other sites to consider.

If you ever need to go through the material one-to-one or with a small group of interested individuals, do contact me (+65-83589451 in Singapore or Johor) or your nearest church!

Thursday 7 September 2017

A Voice In The Dark - Biography of Richard Wurmbrand, by Catherine McKenzee (Review)


This children's edition of Richard Wurmbrand's story is clean but keeps the details as vivid as possible. It tells of the time Richard spent in a Communist jail in Soviet Russia in the 50s, subject to various methods of torture and manipulation in order to extract information of his church affiliates and members.

His suffering is not the main theme, but rather his response to each difficulty that presents itself throughout that time is admirable. From sleep deprivation to psychological abuse to beatings and starvation, the persecution was a war of the mind, spirit and body. Death was constantly around the corner - if it was not a quick execution, it would have been a slow deterioration of health due to tuberculosis.

Richard's means of survival was to preach, pray and smuggle the ocassional bible to share. He preached to an audience of one, but sometimes other incarcerated men and women would have the privilege of envisioning an elderly man talking about the Gospel in their cell, in other parts of the world. He preached in morse to neighbouring cellmates too, and later on to groups of dying men in a diseased ward, where he himself awaited death.

Richard wrote imaginary letters to God too, praying for the safety of his family and church... This was in particular his fear, that he might jeopardise the believers and people doing Christ's work. Instead of bending to their will, he led authorities in wild goose chases by providing them names of the deceased or exiled or known informants.


His persecution and testimony for Christ is what inspired Voice of the Martyrs group. The dialogues were created of the author's imagination, but the events were real, and testimony true.

The book records only Richard's 6 years in jail for the first time. He later spent a second term in jail for the same reason. His time was difficult and called for a lot of courage and love in the face of the people being used by the devil. The fears he had tested his will and faith in God, but it was clear that God was present in the depths of his despair, His handprint unmistakeable. And each step of the way God kept his sanity, which would otherwise have hardened or broken over the course of time and humiliation.

It may have been made up, but it was in Richard's surrenderedness and whole dedication of going back to prison to save more lost souls that tore me up. He had gone through gruelling years that anyone would have been traumatised with. But to desire the salvation of eternal souls over his security and comfort and lifestyle and to pray about it speaks volumes about the God he believes. I cried at that prospect and saw how big of a heart he had for people that I myself lacked greatly.

The highest form of love God demonstrated was to die a criminal's death in Phi 2:6-8 and that was what I saw in Richard Wurmbrand. The uncertainty of lawless, inhumane treatment over a prolonged period of time didn't wear off his zeal for God. His conduct in prison reflected the joy and peace of God, and he was protected by God in many ways nonetheless. This is obedience even unto death and the pastor has set a standard for his church to follow too.

Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;  rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!
Philippians 2:6‭-‬8

Sunday 27 August 2017

Hiding in the Light by Rifqa Bary - Book Review


This biography of Rifqa Bary, a Sri Lankan girl living in the US, is a powerful story emphasising the plight of Muslims who convert to Christianity. An Indian Muslim, she finds life and joy when she receives Christ, so much so that it cannot be hidden from the family for long.

She carries out her faith in secret: reading the bible in the toilet, baptising in a river out of the way with a few witnesses, finding reasons to go out in order to attend church, so on. It's a joyful affair that must be done quietly as if it's not something to be exposed or mentioned.

Her parents somehow find out and, since her father is predisposed to physically abusing her, goes into a rage and threatens her death unless she recants. Then the mosque in their community discovers the problem and that's when the whirlwind of insanity happens. She finds her chance to flee, pleading with many people and Christians along the way for their help, to the chagrin of some and disbelief of others. Through it all, Rifqa is well-cared for by people whom God had introduced to her in the past, especially a youth pastor who made tremendous effort in her initial escape and the subsequent years.

The journey takes her through much distrust and anxiety and pain. Because of her need to submit herself to the authorities and clear up the impending prosecution as a runaway delinquent, Rifqa is subject to the judiciary system - jail and a string of foster homes. As a strategy to ensure the court doesn't just close the case on her and send her back home to imminent death (of which the parents say is not true), her lawyer stirs up a media frenzy. The tactic was to ensure she gets more publicity and thus create more pressure on the authorities to deliberate harder on her case. This tactic delayed her being returned to parental custody for 2 years, till she became an adult and no longer eligible to be tried as a delinquent or runaway.


The danger is very real and with careful story-telling, she makes herself felt by the reader, letting you into her shoes to experience the situation through her first-hand account.

Her 2 year journey charted here tells us more about this God she believes in too. It is amazing to see the extent of her love, reciprocating the love of Christ who died for her. Where there seems to be no hope in her dire situations at times, Rifqa uses Bible verses or biblical examples to remind us of where she draws strength. When problems surround you, it's easy to be overwhelmed and to despair or give in to fear... unless one looks to the God in control of all the difficulties.

Because her story is so personal, it's easy to emphathise with her, cry with her and be held in suspense too. Her 2 years living in fear and without full security of people she trusts is a consistent theme through her recount. She lives as a foster child, giving readers a glimpse at the program for homeless or underprivileged children in USA. It's not something a child should grow up with.

The amazing thing is her life now as an adult is the stability and new family blessed by God despite her trials. You can follow her and keep updated of her life on FB @hidinginthelight, and pray for her to be a beacon of light through which Christ shines.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Come to Me, Jesus Said

God offers many words of comfort in His Word. He always loves and cares and desires the best for people, no matter how little they desire Him. A recent meditation was on how He calls others to be closer to Him, or even those who were never close to Him He beckons.

Matthew 11:28-29
Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

He offers peace to all who are near Him and to those who are distant. The only qualification being that you recognise you have a burden and are weary of it.

What kind of burden would the Christ want to see and bear from you? Burdens come in a variety, ranging from work demands to health concerns; broken relationships with people to a non-existent relationship with God. He will take your cares and even your sins as long as you would come to Him.

Isaiah 55:1
Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.

And we all know how much milk and wine is starting to cost... in Jesus' day and climate, these 2 things were expensive and hard to get. Jesus may have lived in a geographically parched and dry desert land, but our spiritual condition is probably no different. So come and be filled with life abundantly given by Jesus. And free feasts, no one would want to turn that down. All you need to do is trust that invitation and come.

Revelations 3:20
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

Here is the person who loves you so much He's consistently knocking on the door of your heart. You can keep the door closed and choose to ignore His existence and hope He goes away. But while we're here on earth, His only mission is to come into your life to have a relationship with you, not harm or destroy you (Jeremiah 29:11). He makes this salvation plan so easy: just come to the door and open.

What is your choice?

Wednesday 18 July 2012

God, my boss. I'm his business

I graduated in May with a diploma. I had gone for my first interview with SP Corporate Communications (CCOMs) to be a Public Relations officer (in line with what I studied) in April after much prayer. With encouragement from a Navigator friend, I waited for their answer. There were six applicants when I went. They called me back for a second interview with the management after a month. Now there were only two applicants, myself and another lady... everyone else probably had found other jobs already. When I went in, after that interview, I asked them how long I would have to wait for their reply. They said maybe 2 weeks. And even by then I wouldn't know if I would get a positive response or no. I complained that it was a long wait.

I left the place telling God I sorta didn't think the job would be mine, doubting it and giving excuses so I could go hunt for lots of other better-paying jobs in PR firms. I knew I was impatient then and entertained thoughts of applying elsewhere already. 3 hours after the interview, I got a call